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Scripture explains that Christians must "walk by organized religion, not by sight" (2 Corinthians v:vii). It tin be difficult to know what a walk of faith requires, though.

  1. 1

    Accept religion in the promises you cannot see. Most of the promises God makes to those who follow Him are not tangible, so you won't exist able to see proof of those promises with your own eyes. You must believe that God will keep those promises as an deed of faith rather than one of sight.[one]

    • As stated in John three:17-xviii, "For God did non ship His Son into the world to condemn the world, simply that the world through Him might be saved, by the condemning of his son. He who believes in Him is not condemned; just he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the merely begotten Son of God."
      • Just put, accepting Christ as your Savior and as the Son of God will lead you lot to salvation.
    • As stated in Matthew xvi:27, "For the Son of Homo will come up in the glory of His Begetter with His angels, and then He will reward each co-ordinate to his works."
      • If you alive by the will of God—in other words, walking in faith and past religion—you volition receive the salvation promised to the believers and followers of Christ.
  2. 2

    Consider the limitations of walking past sight. Walking by sight limits your experience to things that can but be experienced by sight. One time you realize how limiting this is, the benefit of walking past faith can become much clearer.

    • Imagine what life would be like if you never planned to travel anywhere beyond the destinations you can see from your bedroom window. Y'all wouldn't become very far, and y'all would be missing out on everything the globe had to offer.
    • Likewise, if yous never plan to travel anywhere beyond the tangible realm, you won't get very far and you lot'll miss out on everything that the spiritual realm has to offer.


  3. 3

    Let get of your fear. The earth can exist a frightening place, and sometimes, you may practice things out of fear that contradict God's will. If you lot want to walk by organized religion, you need to release your fear to God and accept the path He leads you downward.

    • This is easier said than done, of course. You lot may not be able to become completely fearless, but you can be mettlesome and learn to human action according to God'southward volition even when you are afraid of what lies ahead.


  1. one

    Focus on things that accept eternal significance. Information technology's easy to fixate on aspects of your earthly life—finances, possessions, and so one. These things disappear along with the mortal body, though, and have no lasting spiritual value.

    • A big house or a fancy car are things the world might value, but they won't affair in God's kingdom.
    • Earthly success is not inherently evil. You can alive a comfortable life in a nice home with a skilful job and still walk by religion. The problem isn't in having these things; the problem is prioritizing these symbols of earthly success over matters of the Spirit.
    • Instead of focusing on the life before you, focus on unseen realities, like Jesus and Heaven. Centre your life around these realities instead of the visible, temporary realities of your earthly life.
    • Store up treasures in Sky past doing the will of God, as instructed in Matthew 6:19-20, rather than fussing over the treasures of world.
  2. two

    Obey the Bible and God's commands. Living your life according to your religion in God will crave you to follow God's law higher up and before the ways of mankind.

    • God's law can be learned and understood through the report of His Word.
    • Sympathize that there are times when the earth will try to convince you lot that something forbidden by God's law is acceptable. Homo inclination is follow the ways of the world, but to walk by organized religion, you lot demand to follow the means of God. Y'all cannot command the actions of those around you, merely as far equally your own life is concerned, you must live according to what God has deemed is correct and only.
  3. 3

    Set up to look foolish. For those who walk by sight, the actions and beliefs of a person who walks by faith tin seem foolish. You lot'll need to learn to walk on in spite of whatever criticism you receive from those effectually yous.

    • God'due south ways are not humanity's ways. Your natural inclination will exist to follow your ain understanding and the current philosophy of human society, just doing so volition not guide you down the path God wants you to follow. Proverbs 3:5-6 explains, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your ain understanding; in all your means acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
  4. 4

    Expect to face trials along the style. Every road has rough patches, and the one you're setting out on now is no exception. The trials you'll face are there to give your journey forcefulness and significant, though.[2]

    • The trials you face might be self-inflicted or may non be your fault at all.
    • You might stumble and give into the temptation to do what you know to exist wrong, and dealing with the consequences of your actions tin brand things difficult for a while. Even and then, God will not carelessness you. He can even use the evils of your hardship for your practiced if yous let Him.
    • On the other manus, a natural disaster or another unforeseen, uncontrollable force might rip through your life. God can and volition employ that tragedy for the greater good, though, as long as you lot are open to it.
  5. 5

    Stop waiting for an epiphany. There might be times when y'all feel the presence of God very vividly, but there will also be times when you experience a sense of distance betwixt y'all and God. You lot need to go on walking past religion through these nighttime times without waiting for some epiphany or phenomenon to illuminate your path.[three]

    • Realize that God is always with you, even when you do not feel His presence or sympathise how He is working in your life through a particular tragedy or disaster. The feeling of being deserted is a affair of human perception and non a matter of truth.
    • God speaks to the spirit, but while you are notwithstanding in bodily form, there will be times when the perceptions of the body drown out those of the spirit.
    • When you are desperate to feel the presence of God but are unable to do so, rely on the promises of Scripture and your past faith experiences to give you strength. Proceed to pray and to do the things you know God would have you exercise.
  6. half dozen

    Glorify God in all that you do. Yous exercise not need to be a famous evangelist to walk past religion and give glory to God. Simply exercise the best you lot can with the tasks and circumstances God has given you.

    • Start Corinthians 10:31 explains, "Whether you eat or drink, or any you do, practise all to the glory of God."
    • If something as basic as eating and drinking can be done to the glory of God, more complex aspects of life can be done to the glory of God, every bit well.
    • If you're currently a student, written report seriously and be the best student you can be. If yous're working at an office, exist a responsible, ethical, and hard working employee. Be the best son, daughter, mother, father, sister, or brother you lot can be to your family members, as well.


  1. 1

    Pray through all stages of life. Prayer offers you a directly channel of communication to God. To stay committed to a walk of faith, you need to keep talking to God through both the good times and the bad.

    • If you find yourself forgetting to pray, try scheduling a specific fourth dimension each day for it—when yous wake upward in the morn, during your lunch 60 minutes, earlier bed, or any other time when you can get a few minutes of silence and confinement.
    • Y'all might observe yourself forgetting to give praise and thanks during good times fifty-fifty though you lot take no problem turning to God for assistance during times of need. The opposite may too exist true. If you lot have a weak betoken in your prayer life, focus on strengthening information technology.
  2. 2

    Listen for direction. For the most part, you'll need to walk through life and make decisions based on what you already empathise about who God is and what God wants for yous. Go along your mind open up, however, so that yous will be able to translate letters and signs from God when they practice come up forth.

    • Y'all might be given direction without even knowing it. When you lot lose your job, it could exist God's manner of directing you lot down a improve path. When a human relationship ends, it could be God's fashion of directing you to a healthier relationship or to a goal that could not have been completed if you remained with that individual.
  3. 3

    Follow God's schedule. God will answer your prayers, but the respond may non come up in the time frame you would wait it to. Similarly, God will open the right path for yous, but that path volition merely be revealed when God decides that information technology is the best time for it.

    • This tin can exist especially difficult when the demands of daily life press down on y'all. It tin can be difficult, for example, to trust in God'due south schedule when you tin can't find a chore and have bills to pay. No matter how tough things get, though, try to remind yourself that God is with you through it all and volition lead you to where you need to be when you need to be at that place co-ordinate to His plan.
  4. 4

    Give thanks. Be thankful for the blessings God has given you. Taking time to observe all the good things in your past and present tin strengthen your religion and make it easier to keep walking when the path seems dim.

    • Giving thank you for the things that are obviously good may seem simple plenty, but you too need to give thanks for the trials and roadblocks you lot face along the mode. God wants only the best for you, and then even the hardships you face are ultimately at that place for your benefit.
  5. 5

    Care for the things God gives you. Care for all of the good things in your life every bit the blessings they are. Keep in mind that this includes both obvious blessings and those you may often have for granted.

    • If you've been unemployed for a long time and the correct job suddenly comes your way, information technology might be an obvious blessing. You should take intendance of it past working hard and doing your best.
    • A good for you, working body is a big blessing that many people ofttimes take for granted, though. Take care of your body by eating correct and doing what you can, inside reason, to stay healthy.
  6. half-dozen

    Serve others. As a disciple of Christ, y'all have been instructed to serve and spread the love of Christ to others. Doing then pleases God and can exist spiritually enriching to you.

    • Altruistic money, food, clothing, and other textile objects to the needy is one fashion to serve others.
    • Serving others also ways donating your fourth dimension to help those around you—loved ones, strangers, and even people you don't like.
  7. 7

    Seek the fellowship of other believers. No ane can walk this journey for you, simply this road is 1 that can be much easier to follow when in the presence of good company.

    • Go to church and seek out friends and allies there. Try attending a Bible study or a organized religion-based group if you need something more than that.
    • Other believers can help you stay accountable and on the right path. Likewise, yous can do the same for them.


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  • Question

    What are mutual things that lead people abroad from faith?

    Zachary Rainey

    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry building and pastoral practice, including over ten years as a hospice chaplain. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible Higher and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

    Zachary Rainey

    Ordained Minister

    Skilful Reply

    Some people wander from the faith because they are selfish. They want to get something out of it for themselves, so they get bored while serving God and prefer to serve themselves. Some people leave the Church because they were treated poorly by someone that should have treated them with the same grace and love that Jesus demonstrated. Some people are led away by falsehood. Someone tells them something that isn't true nigh Jesus or the Church or the Bible. It's always adept to wait into suspicious claims before adopting them as truth.

  • Question

    Coronavirus is making me scared, how can I over come this fear and continue to walk by faith?


    The but mode to overcome the fear is to pray to God and it says in 1 John five:4 "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and that is the faith that overcometh the word even our faith."

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