Plex Not Able to Continue Playing From Last Postition

Plex Media Server

The Plex integration allows you to connect Home Assistant to a Plex Media Server. Once configured, actively streaming Plex Clients show up as Media Players and report playback status and library sizes via Sensors in Home Assistant. Media Players will allow you to control media playback and see the current playing item.

Support for playing music directly on linked Sonos speakers is available here.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:

  • Sensor
  • Button
  • Media Player

If a Plex server has been claimed by a Plex account via the claim interface, Home Assistant will require authentication to connect.


Adding Plex Media Server to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button:

Plex Media Server can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as "Discovered", which you can select to set it up right away.

During setup, you will need to log in as a server administrator. The integration will check all possible ways to connect to your Plex server(s) - i.e., local or public addresses, HTTP or HTTPS, by IP or using a subdomain of, or by using a Plex relay if all other methods fail. The integration will prefer local over public and secure over insecure, in that order. The selected address is shown on the Plex card on the Integrations page.

If your router enforces DNS rebind protection, connections to the local hostname may fail (see Plex documentation). To avoid this, configure your router to allow DNS rebinding for by following the instructions in the documentation link.

Integration Options

Several options are provided to adjust the behavior of media_player entities. These can be changed at Plex -> Options on the Integrations page.

Use episode art: Display TV episode art instead of TV show art.

Monitored users: A list of accounts with access to the Plex server. Only selected users will create media_player entities.

Ignore new managed/shared users: Enable to ignore new Plex accounts granted access to the server.

Ignore Plex Web clients: Do not create media_player entities for Plex Web clients.

Manual Configuration

Alternatively, you can manually configure a Plex server connection by selecting the "Configure Plex server manually" when configuring a Plex integration. This option is only available to users in "Advanced Mode". This will allow you to specify the server connection options which will be validated before setup is completed. The available options are described below:

Host: The IP address or hostname of your Plex server. Optional if 'Token' is provided.

Port: The port of your Plex Server.

Use SSL: Use HTTPS to connect to Plex server.

Verify SSL certificate: Verify the SSL certificate of your Plex server. May be used if connecting with an IP or if using a self-signed certificate.

Token: A valid authorization token for your Plex server. If provided without 'Host', a connection URL will be retrieved from Plex.


The activity sensor provides a count of users currently watching media from the Plex server. Clicking the sensor shows details for the active users and media streams.

The library sensors show a count of items in each library. Depending on the library contents, the sensor will show extra detail in its attributes. For example, a library sensor for TV shows will represent the total number of episodes in the library and its attributes will also report the number of shows and seasons it contains. The last added media item (movie, album, or episode) and a timestamp showing when it was added to its respective library are also provided.

In addition to the item count, the last added media item (movie, album, or episode) and a timestamp showing when it was added are also provided with each library sensor.

Example automation to use the last_added_item attribute on library sensors to notify when new media has been added:

                              alias                :                Plex - New media added                trigger                :                -                platform                :                state                entity_id                :                sensor.plex_library_movies                id                :                movie                -                platform                :                state                entity_id                :                sensor.plex_library_music                id                :                album                -                platform                :                state                entity_id                :                sensor.plex_library_tv_shows                id                :                episode                action                :                -                service                :                notify.mobile_app_phone                data                :                title                :                "                New                                                added"                message                :                "                "                          

The library sensors are disabled by default, but can be enabled via the Plex integration page.


A button.scan_clients entity is available to discover new controllable Plex clients. This may be necessary in scripts or automations which control a Plex client app, but where the underlying device must be turned on first. This button is preferred over the legacy plex.scan_for_clients service.

Example script:

                              play_plex_on_tv                :                sequence                :                -                service                :                media_player.select_source                target                :                entity_id                :                media_player.smart_tv                data                :                source                :                "                Plex"                -                wait_for_trigger                :                -                platform                :                state                entity_id                :                media_player.smart_tv                to                :                "                on"                timeout                :                seconds                :                10                -                service                :                      target                :                entity_id                :                button.scan_clients_plex                -                wait_template                :                "                {{                                                not                                                is_state('media_player.plex_smart_tv',                                                'unavailable')                                                }}"                timeout                :                "                00:00:10"                continue_on_timeout                :                false                -                service                :                media_player.play_media                target                :                entity_id                :                media_player.plex_smart_tv                data                :                media_content_id                :                "                {"library_name"                :                "                Movies"                ,                "                title"                :                "                Zoolander"                }                "                media_content_type:                                                movie                          

Media Player

The Plex media player platform will create Media Player entities for each connected client device. These entities will display media information, playback progress, and playback controls (if supported by the streaming device).

By default, the Plex integration will create Media Player entities for all local, managed, and shared users on the Plex server. To customize which users or client types to monitor, adjust the "Monitored users", "Ignore new managed/shared users", and "Ignore Plex Web clients" options described under Integration Options.

Service media_player.play_media

Play media hosted on a Plex server on a Plex client or other supported device.

Required fields within the media_content_id payloads are marked as such, others are optional. There are special parameters that can be added to any query:

  • shuffle: Shuffles the playback order of the media. Accepts 1 or true to enable.
  • resume: Resumes playback at the last partially watched position if available, otherwise plays at the beginning.
  • offset: The desired playback start position in seconds.
  • allow_multiple: A search must find one specific item to succeed. This parameter accepts multiple matches in a search and enqueues all found items for playback. Accepts 1 or true to enable.

Simplified examples are provided for music, TV episodes, and movies. See advanced searches for complex/smart search capabilities.

The integration must be configured with a token for playback commands to work. This can occur if using the List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth option on the Plex server. If that feature is required, it's recommended to configure the integration with that feature temporarily disabled.


Service data attribute Description
entity_id entity_id of the client
media_content_id Quoted JSON containing:
  • library_name (Required)
  • artist_name or artist.title
  • album_name or album.title
  • track_name or track.title
  • track_number or track.index
  • shuffle (0 or 1)
  • allow_multiple (0 or 1)
media_content_type MUSIC

Play Hello from Adele's album 25 in the library Music

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                MUSIC                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "library_name":                                                "Music",                                                "artist_name":                                                "Adele",                                                "album_name":                                                "25",                                                "track_name":                                                "Hello"                                                }'                          

Play a random track from Stevie Wonder in the library Music

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                MUSIC                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "library_name":                                                "Music",                                                "artist_name":                                                "Stevie                                                Wonder",                                                "shuffle":                                                "1"                                                }'                          


Service data attribute Description
entity_id entity_id of the client
media_content_id Quoted JSON containing:
  • playlist_name (Required)
  • shuffle (0 or 1)
media_content_type PLAYLIST

Plays the playlist The Best of Disco with shuffle enabled

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                PLAYLIST                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "playlist_name":                                                "The                                                Best                                                of                                                Disco",                                                "shuffle":                                                "1"                                                }'                          

TV Episode

Service data attribute Description
entity_id entity_id of the client
media_content_id Quoted JSON containing:
  • library_name (Required)
  • show_name or show.title
  • season_number or season.index
  • episode_number or episode.index
  • shuffle (0 or 1)
  • resume (0 or 1)
  • offset (in seconds)
  • allow_multiple (0 or 1)
media_content_type EPISODE

Play Rick and Morty S2E5 from library Adult TV

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                EPISODE                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "library_name":                                                "Adult                                                TV",                                                "show_name":                                                "Rick                                                and                                                Morty",                                                "season_number":                                                2,                                                "episode_number":                                                5                                                }'                          

Play a random episode of Sesame Street from the library Kids TV

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                EPISODE                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "library_name":                                                "Kids                                                TV",                                                "show_name":                                                "Sesame                                                Street",                                                "shuffle":                                                "1"                                                }'                          

Resume the next unfinished episode of 60 Minutes from the library News TV

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                EPISODE                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "library_name":                                                "News                                                TV",                                                "show_name":                                                "60                                                Minutes",                                                "episode.unwatched":                                                true,                                                "episode.inProgress":                                                [true,                                                false],                                                "resume":                                                1,                                                "sort":                                                "addedAt:asc",                                                "maxresults":                                                1                                                }'                          


Service data attribute Description
entity_id entity_id of the client
media_content_id Quoted JSON containing:
  • library_name (Required)
  • title
  • resume (0 or 1)
  • offset (in seconds)
media_content_type movie

Play Blade from the library Adult Movies

                              entity_id                :                media_player.plex_player                media_content_type                :                movie                media_content_id                :                '                {                                                "library_name":                                                "Adult                                                Movies",                                                "title":                                                "Blade"                                                }'                          

Advanced Searches

Instead of searching for a specific known piece of media, many additional parameters are available to run more powerful searches. This can also be used when a simple search for a title has multiple matches, such as with movie remakes.

These are examples of optional keys that can be included in the media_content_id JSON payload customize the search:

  • unwatched: Restrict search to unwatched items only (true, false)
  • actor: Restrict search for movies that include a specific actor
  • collection: Restrict search within a named Plex collection ("Back to the Future", "Indiana Jones")
  • contentRating: Restrict search to a specific content rating ("PG", "R")
  • country: Restrict search to a specific country of origin
  • decade: Restrict search to a specific decade ("1960", "2010")
  • director: Restrict search to a specific director
  • genre: Restrict search to a specific genre ("Animation", "Drama", "Sci-Fi")
  • resolution: Restrict search to a specific video resolution (480, 720, 1080, "4k")
  • year: Restrict search to a specific year

More parameters and additional details can be found in the plexapi library documentation.


Below are examples of advanced searches. All examples show what can be sent in the media_content_id parameter.

Note that some searches may require "maxresults": 1 to limit the result to a single item. However, an "item" may be a group of media, such as an album, season, artist, show, etc.

The search will attempt to guess the type of media based on the search parameters by using the most specific media type provided. For example, a search using artist.title and album.year will search for albums for the artist that were released in a specific year. If you add track.title to the search, it will instead try to find the track. You may specify the type of media to search for with the libtype parameter which can be one of movie, episode, season, show, track, album, or artist. This could be useful if searching for an album where you only know the name of a specific track (see example below).

                              #                                                Play                                                the                                                original                                                instead                                                of                                                the                                                2004                                                remake:                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Movies"                ,                                                "title"                :                                                "The Manchurian Candidate"                ,                                                "year"                :                                                1962                                                }                                                #                                                "Lazy"                                                searches                                                are                                                also                                                possible                                                (would                                                find                                                the                                                sequel,                                                "Die Hard: With a Vengeance"                ):                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Movies"                ,                                                "title"                :                                                "die hard"                ,                                                "year"                :                                                1995                                                }                                                #                                                Play                                                for                                                an                                                artist's                                                album                                                where                                                only                                                a                                                track                                                name                                                is                                                known:                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Music"                ,                                                "artist.title"                :                                                "Stevie"                ,                                                "track.title"                :                                                "Higher Ground"                                                }                                                #                                                Play                                                all                                                albums                                                with                                                "orange"                                                in                                                the                                                title:                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Music"                ,                                                "album.title"                :                                                "orange"                ,                                                "allow_multiple"                :                                                true                                                }                                                #                                                Watch                                                the                                                most                                                recently                                                added                                                movie                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Movies"                ,                                                "sort"                :                                                "addedAt:desc"                ,                                                "maxresults"                :                                                1                                                }                                                #                                                Play                                                an                                                unwatched                                                movie                                                from                                                the                                                "Bond"                                                collection                                                which                                                was                                                released                                                in                                                the                                                2000                s                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Movies"                ,                                                "collection"                :                                                "Bond"                ,                                                "decade"                :                                                2000                ,                                                "unwatched"                :                                                true                                                }                                                #                                                Play                                                the                                                most                                                recently                                                added                                                TV                                                show                                                which                                                has                                                been                                                partially                                                watched                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "TV Shows"                ,                                                "inProgress"                :                                                true                ,                                                "sort"                :                                                "addedAt:desc"                ,                                                "maxresults"                :                                                1                                                }                                                #                                                Listen                                                to                                                a                                                random                                                electronic                                                album                                                which                                                was                                                added                                                over                                                3                                                years                                                ago                                                but                                                hasn't                                                been                                                listened                                                to                                                for                                                at                                                least                                                3                                                months                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Music"                ,                                                "addedAt<<"                :                                                "3y"                ,                                                "album.genre"                :                                                "Electronic"                ,                                                "album.lastViewedAt<<"                :                                                "3mon"                ,                                                "sort"                :                                                "random"                ,                                                "maxresults"                :                                                1                                                }                                                #                                                Watch                                                the                                                worst                                                rated                                                movie                                                from                                                the                                                2000                s                                                starring                                                either                                                Nicolas                                                Cage                                                or                                                Danny                                                Devito                                                {                                                "library_name"                :                                                "Movies"                ,                                                "actor"                :                                                [                "Nicolas Cage"                ,                                                "Danny DeVito"                ],                                                "decade"                :                                                2000                ,                                                "sort"                :                                                "audienceRating:asc"                ,                                                "maxresults"                :                                                1                                                }                                                          


Client Limitations
Remote clients Controls are unavailable
Apple TV None
iOS None
NVidia Shield None
Plexamp None (music playback only)
Plex Desktop & Web Controls are unavailable (as of June 2022)
Plex HTPC None

Sonos Playback

To play Plex music directly to Sonos speakers, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Remote access enabled for your Plex server.
  2. Sonos speakers linked to your Plex account (Instructions).
  3. Sonos integration configured.

Call the media_player.play_media service with the entity_id of a Sonos integration device and media_content_type prepended with plex://. Both music and playlist media_content_type values are supported.


Play a track with advanced filtering on a Sonos Speaker

                              entity_id                :                media_player.sonos_speaker                media_content_type                :                music                media_content_id                :                '                plex://{                                                "library_name":                                                "Music",                                                "artist_name":                                                "Adele",                                                "album_name":                                                "25",                                                "track_name":                                                "Hello"                                                }'                          

Play a playlist on a Sonos Speaker

                              entity_id                :                media_player.sonos_speaker                media_content_type                :                playlist                media_content_id                :                '                plex://{                                                "playlist_name":                                                "Party                                                Mix"                                                }'                          

Additional Services

Service plex.refresh_library

Refresh a Plex library to scan for new and updated media.

Service data attribute Required Description Example
server_name No Name of Plex server to use if multiple servers configured. "My Plex Server"
library_name Yes Name of Plex library to update. "TV Shows"


  • The Plex integration supports multiple Plex servers. Additional connections can be configured under Settings -> Devices & Services.
  • Movies must be located under the 'Movies' section in a Plex library to properly view the 'playing' state.


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